Our Level 3 Games and Media students visited Croydon Whitgift Centre’s Turf project to gain inspiration for their project which includes a focus on Sustainability.

Their task was to recognise areas of improvement within Croydon’s North quarter and discover how their valuable Games and Media skills can help cater for this.

Croydon Turf projects was founded in 2013 by Croydon locals, it is a homegrown artist space and the first entirely artist run contemporary art space in the borough. Their aim to make Croydon the best environmentally friendly area for residents and individuals alike.

Croydon Turf Projects have collaborated with Design Future London, the Mayor of London, in partnership with C40, Minecraft Education and Croydon Council to challenge the younger generation to develop an interest in designing beautiful, affordable, and sustainable places to live, work and visit.

The students took part in an art workshop where they were given a variety of different extremities affecting Croydon High street: Climate Change, Better homes for Londoners, Air pollution etc. and created artwork to implement this which was processed through a Riso printer to create beautiful awe inspiring prints.

To conclude the trip, the students were then given an in-depth tour around Croydon. It was fascinating to hear the history and culture of Croydon and to see remnants of that in the buildings and streets. They also saw modern skyrises and different types of housing in the area. This tour provided a whole new perspective and opened up a plethora of design ideas to play with.

The students used teamwork, leadership and communication skills throughout the day and developed skills in areas they had not done before. The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and wished they could have stayed longer!